The Lefebvrite Heresy, by W.F. Strojie (1976)

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The Lefebvrite Heresy, by W.F. Strojie (1976)

Message par InHocSignoVinces »

The Lefebvrite Heresy, by W.F. Strojie (1976)

The 'Affair Econe'
Letters No. 17, 18, 19

December 7, 1976 THE LEFEBVRE HERESY

I'd rather be done with the Affair Econe but it will not go away.

When I read about the June ordinations I realized almost instantly that something big and bad was up. Although protesting loyalty to the "Holy Father" right along, Archbishop Lefebvre defies the "Holy Father's" orders to close Econe and stop ordinations there. Then there was the much publicized Mass at Lille, an open defiance of Paul 6, with yet no word from Lefebvre about Paul's crimes to justify his defiance. A short time later, Lefebvre turns up at Castelgandolfo where he is received by Paul 6 "like a son." A curious denouement of this act of defiance on the one side, and of suspension on the other. It was at this point that I began to suspect that it was staged. And I recalled that quite some time ago Lefebvre had told the Abbe de Nantes, "My hour is not yet come."

I knew instantly, because disobedience, "revolt" is the never-failing sign of the devil. Lefebvre says NO to the orders of Paul VI to close the Econe seminary, but gives as reason only a general reference to Vatican II heresies. He has done nothing more to this date. (1976)

Not that straightforward revolt against Paul 6 as pope was the necessary conclusion that must follow. The attempt being made to identify Lefebvre with the Church, come alive at Econe, is a fraud. I had already begun to suspect Lefebvre's exclusive concern about the Tridentine Mass rite and sacraments. This leads up another dark alley, of which there are increasing signs today. The "sacraments-at-any-price" mentality of many Traditionalists, and regardless of the Church's divinely given authority to dispense and regulate the sacraments, is one of the oldest of heresies, that of Simon Magus.. And whether they are aware of it or not these Traditionalists are on a converging course with all the occult and gnostic cults; they already keep company with several borderline "Catholic" Traditionalist organizations.

At Lille Lefebvre was quoted as saying "All these problems could be so easily resolved if every bishop gave over a church to faithful Catholics." What could that mean but joining Montini's ecumenical church as a Traditionalist sect. This possibility is suggested in The Remnant, 15 Sept. 1976, in which publication Lefebvre is quoted as having made the following abject plea on June 22nd: "...that we might be permitted to enter into dialogue with envoys which Your Holiness would choose from among those cardinals who we have known for a long time; with the help of the grace of God the difficulties will then without a doubt be overcome." Again no word about the heresies and Communist dealings of Paul 6, which apparently do not enter into Lefebvre's thinking at all. And no concern for the unity of Catholic worship. Note that it is Una Voce (which now pushes for multiple voices) and that kind of loyalty-to-Paul 6 people who have supported Econe right along.

So then I began to suspect an understanding between Paul 6 and Lefebvre; that while perhaps occupying different stalls they are of the same stable. And now I think Lefebvre is aiming at something bigger than the hardcore Traditionalists who will follow anyone who promises them "their Mass." I think his hoped-for bag is the large number of Catholics, especially in Europe, who despise the stupid and barbaric reformed liturgy of Paul 6 and the whole program of Vatican II.

To be continued...
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Inscription : dim. 26 août 2018 11:43
Localisation : Tharsis, Hispania

Re: The Lefebvrite Heresy, by W.F. Strojie (1976)

Message par InHocSignoVinces »

In the United States are many thousands who do not like the Vatican II "changes" but go along, propelled by their pastors who slavishly follow Paul 6. "The pope is the pope" is the only doctrine now firmly held by these priests as they build more lavish rectories. In an interview with The National Observer, 11 Sept. 1976, Father Gommar DePauw is quoted as follows: "I know I speak for, well, in this matter of Catholics having a choice between attending the Latin Mass or Mass as it exists today, I speak for 90 percent of U.S. Catholics." Fr. DePauw estimates their numbers at about 15 million. Allowing for Fr. DePauw's exaggerations, undoubtedly there does exist a large percentage of Catholics everywhere who experience Vatican II as a bad dream.

Notice that Fr. DePauw speaks of a "Latin Mass," not necessarily the Mass of Trent, as desirable, and he would have it as a matter of individual choice. This masonic "church of your choice," or altar or table of your choice, follows the Vatican II program of "ecumenism" which Fr. DePauw used to denounce. In any case there are undoubtedly millions of Catholics who can see no farther than their parish church, the Mass or whatever they have put in its place, and these people are ripe for take-over by someone who will promise to bring back the "old Mass." This is true also of thousands who have dropped out. I have received some abuse by mail from Lefebvre supporters for suggesting that this might be his line of action, but I rely on Lefebvre's own words "just give us a few churches..." and "the difficulties can undoubtedly be overcome," that is, following the "dialogue" between Lefebvre and Paul 6.

I have just received "A Discourse On The Lefebvre Affair" by Father Noel Barbara, translated for the U.S. distributor by a Mrs. Bernadette Cohen. Fr. Barbara heads one of his sections "Archbishop Lefebvre is not the leader of a new sect. His guilt is only in the imagination of his calumniators." It may very well be that, as Fr. Barbara says, Lefebvre does not intend to head a new sect, not in the usual sense of that word. The signs are that he (Lefebvre) is looking toward that greater number of confused Catholics I have mentioned, and is only using the Traditionalists and their chapels as a start, and as a source of cash for the beginning of his grand plan which now is reported to include a big U.S. seminary. But if some of us fail to see in Mgr. Lefebvre the forthright leader of true Catholics against Paul 6 that Fr. Barbara and his Integrists see, that is because of Lefebvre's own failure to speak of Paul's works destructive of the Faith. Lefebvre not only evades all that but continues on "good son" relationship with Montini. Will any one of Lefebvre's supporters tell us for sure, from Lefebvre's dealings with Paul and the Vatican, just what he intends to do?

On page 2 Fr. Barbara has this heading: "Archbishop Lefebvre is not creating a schism. In denouncing the doctrinal errors of the pastoral Council, he is not tearing the seamless robe of Christ." Yes, Lefebvre can denounce the doctrinal errors of the Council, that is safe enough. But who signed the Articles of Vatican II and is carrying out the current program of destruction? That he must not say. And by his silence now and since the Council Lefebvre shares in the guilt of Paul 6 and the other tearers of the seamless robe.

To be continued...
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Inscription : dim. 26 août 2018 11:43
Localisation : Tharsis, Hispania

Re: The Lefebvrite Heresy, by W.F. Strojie (1976)

Message par InHocSignoVinces »

Page 5 heading: "The justified battle of Archbishop Lefebvre." In view of Lefebvre's former shadowy deals with the Vatican and continuing cordial relations with Paul 6 a battle? I see no Lefebvre wounds on Paul 6.

Page 13, next to last paragraph: "The Econe affair is in reality, and in the case of Archbishop Lefebvre, an affair of resistance to the modernist subversion that is killing the Roman Church." It is not long ago that Lefebvre quoted Paul 6 as saying to him, "The poor Catholic people are being led astray by neo Modernism." And "We agree with the Holy Father that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church." Does Lefebvre or does he not, now think that Paul 6 is in any way responsible for the Modernist subversion? If he does, why doesn't he say so? It is Catholic doctrine that the pope is chiefly responsible. It is Catholic doctrine that Bishops share the Pope's responsibility, and that responsible persons sin when they remain silent about grave evils. If Lefebvre does not think Paul 6 is at fault, why is he defying him? I have received the reply that Lefebvre does not speak because he is reluctant to add to the present confusion. What nonsense! Confusion and divisions have tripled since the June ordinations at Econe.

Same page, 13, last paragraph: "It has been a long time since a plot was drawn up by the Freemasons to destroy the Church." This plan was revealed through Masonic documents published by the command of Pope Pius IX, and exposed in issue No. 45 of FORTS DANS LA FOI. Well, it seems to me FORTS DANS LA FOI is a bit late in exposing the Masons. As the Jew emerges from the shadows to direct, as he has long planned, the One World government and Church - become Synagogue, the secret societies will be phased out. It is certain that the would - be Masters of One - World government will suppress secret societies and Traditionalist chapels, too, by the way. I see signs that this process has already begun. Of course it will be by the usual gradualism, a word we use for the sneaky and deceitful operations of our time against our Religion and race. This is done partly by our enemies getting control and pretending to lead us against their own operations for our destruction.

Am I judging rashly? No. First, Archbishop Lefebvre has done nothing really to oppose Paul 6. As already mentioned, he speaks only in general terms against Vatican II heresies, leaving out of the picture him who signed the Articles of Vatican II. He hopes the "dialogue" with Paul 6, begun at Castelgandolfo, "will continue." Since the June ordinations at Econe Paul 6 has strengthened his position and gained five months time while the Econe-caused confusion has spread, splitting those Catholics who have been actively opposed to Vatican II. Some hint of what might be in the wind is, I think, contained in an RNS report, Wanderer, 4 Nov. l976, headed "Yves Congar Suggests 'Moratorium' On Dispute Between Vatican, Lefebvre." It was Congar who years ago, when the wilder Progressives were complaining against Paul 6, calmed his party members down, pointing out that while Paul 6 was making sounds for "the Right," he acted for the Left.

To be continued...
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Messages : 2999
Inscription : dim. 26 août 2018 11:43
Localisation : Tharsis, Hispania

Re: The Lefebvrite Heresy, by W.F. Strojie (1976)

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